Thursday, June 25, 2015

M and M Experiment

For the m and m experiment,you need packet of m and m, bowl and water. Firstly, put the water in the jar. Next put the m and m in the water but make sure the m is facing up and the water needs to be over the top of the m and m.  The m and m's turned white and the m float up. The colours separated into different parts.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Celery Experiment.

Room 7 have been doing experiments. One is the Celery Experiment. We cam up with  lots of ideas about what could happen. You need a breadboard,water, knife, celery, jars and food coloring. First fill the jars with water. Next add food coloring. Then cut the end off the celery. Last put the celery in the jars.  We found out that when you leave it for a day the leaves change colour. This is because the celery sucks the coloured water up to the leaves.

Egg and Vinegar Experiment

What we did:
First we put the water in the jar. Next we put the vinegar in the jar. Next put the egg in the jar and left it for 1 day. 

What we found out:
The next day the vinegar egg was big and the water egg was little.